What is periodontal disease and how it is caused?

Periodontal disease (commonly known as Pyorrhea) is the most common cause of tooth loss. It begins when plaque accumulates on your teeth. Your saliva will calcify the plaque (which is then called tartar or calculus) if it is not removed by proper home care. Tartar generally accumulates at the gum line and can only be removed by your dentist or hygienist with a professional cleaning. An inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) occurs if the tartar is not regularly removed. At first, the inflammation may only be a mild gum irritation with a little bleeding during brushing. However, the real damage is occurring in the underlying bone.

Our Doctors

Dr. Zenaida Mulkay & Dr. Guillermo Castillo

Dr. Castillo and Dr. Mulkay were raised in the northern part of New Jersey.

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